Welcome to your Operations Portal.
Click on the GO button below to access your Hērōs dashboard.
Our Service Plans
First Responders Only
Tailored specific to first Responders
Unlimited 5G Data
Unlimited Views
SOS Alerts
Floor plan overlays
Location Tracking: Indoor Positioning System + GPS
Navigation: Google Maps
Emergency Services: Rapid Intervention Team (on scene)
AI Assistance (Please contact sales)
$3.99 / mth.
Civilians (including schools & Factories)
Unlimited 5G Data
Unlimited Views
SOS Alerts
Floor plan overlays
Location Tracking: Enhanced Indoor Positioning System (IPS)
Navigation: Google Maps
Emergency Services: In-app Emergency Assistance
$449.99 / mth.
($5,500 / year)
Unlimited 5G Data
Unlimited Views
SOS Alerts/ Floor plan overlays
A.I. Emergency Assistant
Location Tracking: Enhanced IPS + Z-axis (powered by NextNav)
Navigation: Google Maps
Emergency Services: In-app Emergency Assistance + local LEAs.
24/7 Monitoring
$49.99 / Month
AI EMS & Fire Service Assistant
Unlimited 5G Data
Unlimited Prompts
Location Tracking: Optional
Navigation: Optional
Emergency Services: Optional
Fire Service Promotion exam training